AIR CHIEF MARSHALL LORD DOWDING and his Fighter Command which resisted the attacks of the Luftwaffe in the summer and autumn of 1940 DATE AND TIME Postponed until further notice FEE £7
Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding GCB, GCVO,CMG, master-minded the Battle of Britain and is in our book of remembrance which is on view opposite the portrait of Mrs St. Clair Stobart (1862-1954). Lord Dowding was a spiritualist who spoke at the Association’s Headquarters,at large public meetings, and opened 33 Belgrave Square on 20 August 1955. An extension at Belgrave Square, ‘The Dowding Wing’, was opened by him in 1962. Lord Dowding presented the Association with plaster casts of what are claimed to be pixie hands and feet, produced through the mediumship of the Australian Medium, Charles Bailey (1870-1947).
The Spiritualist Association of Great Britain © 2025 | Charity Registration No: 225455 341 Queenstown Road, Battersea, London, SW8 4LH | | 0207 931 6488 Privacy | Contact
AIR CHIEF MARSHALL LORD DOWDING and his Fighter Command which resisted the attacks of the Luftwaffe in the summer and autumn of 1940 DATE AND TIME Postponed until further notice FEE £7
Air Chief Marshal Lord Dowding GCB, GCVO,CMG, master-minded the Battle of Britain and is in our book of remembrance which is on view opposite the portrait of Mrs St. Clair Stobart (1862-1954). Lord Dowding was a spiritualist who spoke at the Association’s Headquarters,at large public meetings, and opened 33 Belgrave Square on 20 August 1955. An extension at Belgrave Square, ‘The Dowding Wing’, was opened by him in 1962. Lord Dowding presented the Association with plaster casts of what are claimed to be pixie hands and feet, produced through the mediumship of the Australian Medium, Charles Bailey (1870-1947).
The Spiritualist Association of Great Britain © 2025 | Charity Registration No: 225455 341 Queenstown Road, Battersea, London, SW8 4LH | | 0207 931 6488 Privacy | Contact