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The Spiritualist Association of Great Britain © 2025 | Charity Registration No: 225455
341 Queenstown Road, Battersea, London, SW8 4LH | info@sagb.org.uk | 0207 931 6488
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11.30am – 5.30pm
Training Day: Practical Preparations
11.30am – 5.30pm
The Beginners Guide To Mediumship
11.30am – 5.30pm
Working with Spirit Animals
11.30am - 5.30pm
Beginner’s Psychic to Medium
All too often the efforts between the two worlds where
communication and awareness is concerned are
weakened by a lack of descriptive words needed to
express a state, sense, feeling, emotion, memory.
Throughout this day we will find ways to expand the
emotional, mental and physical language we possess to
become more responsive, interactive and receptive to
the Spirit Worlds needs, and in doing so quickening our
own awareness and growth. This will help with
clairvoyance and clairsentience in particular: prepare to
be surprised...
In becoming more familiar, more relaxed, and in ‘tune’
with these wonderful, inspiring energies we are
preparing the pathway for Spirit’s guidance and the
influence necessary for unfoldment in a Spiritual and
Mediumstic sense...
Strictly limited to 20 students. Members £50.00 / Non-
members £60.00
This workshop is all about recognising the power and
the presence of the Spirit World with in ourselves and
how we tap into that power to help us in our daily lives.
This a journey of discovery. Be yourself and experience
the world of spirit.
We will be looking at Meditation and how it helps us to
achieve an altered state.
Colour and the importance of awareness.
Attuning with our Guides through the power of
Being able to step forward into that amazing world of
Strictly limited to 20 students. Members £50.00 / Non-
members £60.00
Animals are very much part of our earthly lives, who do
so much in helping mankind. In many communities
around the world they are recognised as spirit guides
and companions. In the workshop today we will explore
the different methods of how we can work with the
Spirit Animals.
1. Meditation
2. How to connect with your own spirit Animals
3. How your date of Birth will help you to connect also
with Spirit Animal Guides.
a) Chinese Method b) Native American Indian Method
4. How to do a Spiritual reading using Power Animal
5. The power of Healing from Spirit Animals
You will also build a personal totem pole throughout the
day. This is a very intensive workshop open to students
of any ability. So come and experience the energy and
love from Spirit Animals.
Strictly limited to 20 students. Members £50.00 / Non-
members £60.00
Do you know things without knowing how you know
them; Do you always know when someone is upset
without them telling you? Do you experience Déjà vu a
lot and get a gut feeling that something is not right? Do
you know who’s on the phone when it rings? Have you
ever wondered if your loved ones are watching over
you? Have you ever been able to know when certain
events will occur in the future or know something about
a person that is not obvious? These are all signs of a
psychic awakening. We all have the ability to
communicate to the Spirit World; we just have to be
given the confidence and shown the technique how to
step from the psychic, intuition platform on to the
bridge of Mediumship.
• The difference between Psychic and Mediumship
• Reading the Aura and interpreting what you see, sense
and feel
• The energy centres known as the Chakras and their
• Opening the Third Eye
• How to attune to the Spirit World
• Meet your guides
• Psychometry (personal object reading), doodle and
Soul readings
• Linking with the Spirit World and how to blend with
their energies
Strictly limited to 20 students. Members £50.00 / Non-
members £60.00
11.30am - 5.30pm
Awaken Soul Awareness
11.30am to 5.30pm
The Power of the Spirit
11.30am to 5.30pm
The Foundation and Progress
of Our Mediumship
11.30am to 5.30pm
Training day: Practical
11.30am to 5.30pm
Unfolding your Spiritual Gifts
11.30am to 5.30pm
Understanding The Power
Of Energies In Your Life
This is a workshop to encourage a greater sense and
knowing of Self. To discover our inner ‘note’ it’s sound,
vibration, colour...the finer gifts of Spirit.
In endeavouring to explore we can discover other
important aspects of ourselves that affect all that we
are, our day to day lives; potential. In doing this we are
treading further along the spiritual pathways of
understanding our spirit within and our connection to
Strictly limited to 20 students. Members £50 Non-
members £60.
What is the Power?
How do I find it?
Where does it come from?
Why is it important?
How do I recognise it?
Allow Geoff to guide you in discovering the answers
with his many years of experience working in and with
The Power of the Spirit. Guided meditation, sitting in
the power; altogether honing the spiritual senses and
practising these with practical excersises to enhance all
abilities and awareness.
Strictly limited to 20 students. Members £50 Non-
members £60.
In our drive and desire to be the best we can be as a
medium for the Spirit world, we often come across
stumbling blocks which without some clarity, cause us
to lose confidence in our mediumship.
This workshop will help bring some clarity and the
opportunity to make sense of what is happening and
why; that you go forward with confidence in your
receptiveness to the other world, in your responses
to the other world where your intuition,
communication and relationship have the
opportunity to deepen and restore confidence and
understanding to be the medium you want to be. A
medium the Spirit world need.
Strictly limited to 20 students. Members £50 Non-
members £60.
The vibrational tones of Spirit can come to be known
and recognised, and with practice form an essential
part of mediumship enhancing all mediumistic
Through sound, silence, nature, the energetic self,
colour, these auric fields are of great value.
Together we will endeavour to open our awareness to
their meaning, to deepen and discover the relationship
of these finer aspects of Spirit.
Strictly limited to 20 students. Members £50 Non-
members £60.
An inspiring workshop with Geoffrey to practice the
connection you have with the spiritual energies and
the Spirit world, to enable you to acknowledge your
gifts and refine them further to a higher standard,
helping to build stronger foundations from your
experience and practice.
Join Geoffrey who will guide and inspire you towards
a stronger understanding of your own gifts (where
might they be leading to?) Gain insight and
confidence into your unfoldment and what is there
with you.
With guided meditations, practicals and theory.
Strictly limited to 20 students. Members £50 Non-
members £60.
Sensitivity to people, places, atmosphere, work
conditions, nature etc etc all play their part in how
we react when we are in these energies.. why is this?
Throughout this day we will explore our sensitivity,
the power of thought, words, emotions. How do they
leave their imprint? Why and how does energy affect
us so?
How can we send positive energy.... BE positive
energy and change the way we live our lives through
that? Allow George to explore this fascinating topic
with experiment and practical work to bring about
more understanding of what lays behind the power
of energy!
Strictly limited to 20 students. Members £50 Non-
members £60.